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Kashrus Awareness Staff

Maris Ayin Confusion

Can I walk into McDonalds to get a drink? How about to use the restroom? Can one have a business meeting in a treife restaurant? These and other maris ayin questions answered by Rav Shmuel Fuerst - Dayan of Agudas Yisroel of Illinois in this weeks episode.

Here is a short synopsis of chashad vs. maris ayin from the OU website:

The Talmud often uses the terms “maris ayin” and “chashad”. What do these terms mean and how do they differ from each other?

Rav Moshe Feinstein, zt”l (Igros Moshe (OC II:40)) defines maris ayin (literally, “appearance to the eye”) as the­ prohibition against giving the impression that one is doing something wrong when it may influence others to sin as well. Chashad (literally, “suspicion”) is the prohibition of causing others to suspect one of wrongdoing, even when it will not cause others to sin. Although maris ayin is the more serious violation, the mere appearance of impropriety is also forbidden. This is derived from the verse in Bamidbar (32:22), “And you shall be clean before Hashem and before Yisroel.” The tribes of Gad and Reuven wanted to remain on the east bank of the Jordan and not join the other tribes in conquering the Land of Israel. Moshe encouraged them to be clean (to act appropriately) “before G-d and before Yisroel.” “Before Yisroel” indicates that a person must be concerned about human perception. The Mishnah (Avoda Zara 11b) states that one is not permitted to follow a path that is designated as an entrance to a temple of idolatry. Rashi writes that this is because of chashad. Igros Moshe explains that maris ayin does not apply in this case, because there is no concern that a Jew will be easily influenced to worship idolatry. Yet, it is still forbidden to take the path towards the idol because of chashad—arousing suspicion about one’s own behavior.

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